Other Newcastle events

How can fish and birds improve our brain health?

Past event - 2016
23 May Doors 7pm
Event 7:30pm - 9:30pm
The Core, Bath Lane,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 5TF
The media constantly tells us what we should or shouldn’t be eating. Philippa will tell us if eating fish can really boost our brain power! She'll also be running a competition so take your chance to win some Pint of Science goodies. Daniel will be revealing the secret life of starlings. Like people, starlings get stressed too - and in ways that might be more similar than you think.

Doors open at 7pm, event 7.30-9.30pm. Events will take place in the ground floor foyer area, accessible for mobility impaired. Please note this venue has a CASH ONLY bar!


Fish: The Ultimate Brain Food?

We get told a lot that fish is healthy for us, but how is fish relevant to the overall health and functioning of the brain? Can eating more fish really make you ‘smarter’? Should you be consuming fish oil supplements? This talk will address these questions and discuss the latest evidence surrounding the relationship between fish, in particular oily fish containing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and the brain.

The mill that grinds young people old: Early-life stress, accelerated ageing, and the surprising lives of starlings

People often say that stress makes you old before your time. We now know that this is literally true, and we can say something about how it works at the cellular level. Even better, we are finding that the same processes that go on in humans go on in another long-lived intelligent resident of Newcastle, the European starling. This talk tells the story about how a stressful chickhood can put years on you.
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