CSS Animation


Steven Roberts will be coming up from sunny Stockton to show us CSS Animation: Beyond Transitions. It’s going to be a visual treat to help us get our websites moving.

Our time at Bamburgh House has come to an end and we’re off to pastures new. This month will be the first of many at our new venue, TusPark It’s on the first floor of Maybrook house, between guitar guitar and savers on Grainger street. Look out for the Frontend NE banners to guide your way.

>”Sure we all know about the power of CSS transitions, we use them day in and day out to animate the state of a button or link; but CSS is capable of so much more when it comes to animation, especially when paired with SVG, and it’s about time we started utilising it.”


As ever, this event is brought to you by our sponsors; the terribly terrific tombola, and the bountifully brilliant Big Bite. Without them, we’d all be hungry, thirsty and out in the cold.

We will also be hearing from our friends at Sage as guest sponsors! Check them out if you are looking for a new role.


Tickets are up for grabs here 11:00 on the 28th of February. Make sure you're on the mailing list and you'll get a reminder email on the morning of the 28th.

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